Hermit Crab Pets

what do hermit crabs eat photo of a large hermit crab and scallop half shell with apple, peanut butter and oats

What Do Hermit Crabs Eat?

What do hermit crabs eat in the wild, as pets, in the ocean, on land? The answer is the same… they are scavengers and will eat almost anything! However, hermit crabs do have nutritional needs so it’s important for them to eat a wide range of foods including proteins, vitamins and minerals and nutrients that are found in meats, veggies, fruits and other foods that we’ll list and expand on, below.

For this article, we’ll be focused on land hermit crabs and what they should be eating as pets. And some ideas for snacks ! 

Foods Hermit Crabs Like to Eat

The list of what hermit crabs can, and will eat, is long. Realistically, your hermit crab pets will eat most anything you feed to them. 

However, to keep them healthy and living a long healthy life, it’s important to stick to foods and food groups that provide the nutrition they need. 

Food GroupExamples
Store-boughtDried fruits, seeds, flowers are good (hard brown pellets = bad)
ProteinsShrimp, crab, chicken, beef, pork, insects
VegetablesSeaweed, carrot, corn, microgreens, kale, sweet potato
FruitsBanana, apple, pineapple, avocado
SnacksPopcorn, shredded coconut, millet seed, peanut butter

Common Store-Bought Foods

Store-bought hermit crab foods are convenient options, but some of these foods are a bad choice. Most hermit crabs don’t recognize those store-bought hard little brown pellets as food, and they’ll most likely starve if this is all you feed to them. However, there are also some very good commercial hermit crab foods they come with their pros and cons:

Pros to feeding your hermit crab pets store-bought foods:

– Convenient and easy to store.

– Specifically formulated for hermit crabs.

– Good as a dry longer-lasting vacation food.


– Most contain additives and preservatives.

– Can be expensive in the long run.

– Lack fresh micronutrients, vitamins and minerals

See the most common hermit crab commercial store-bought foods with a comparison chart in my article “Hermit Crab Store Bought Foods Compared” here.


Proteins are essential for your hermit crab’s growth and health. They aid in the development of their exoskeleton and overall vitality. Here are some excellent sources of proteins for your hermit crab:

  • Seafood: shrimp, crab, fish, krill, clam, snail
  • Meat: chicken, beef, pork
  • Insects: mealworm, cricket
  • Eggs: scrambled

*foods should always be 100% natural with no added salt, seasonings, sugar or other additives or preservatives.


Vegetables provide essential nutrients and fiber that are vital for hermit crabs. Incorporate these vegetables into their diet:

  • Seaweed
  • Kelp
  • Microgreens, greens
  • Kale
  • Corn
  •  Sweet potato


Fruits offer a sweet treat while supplying necessary vitamins and minerals. Here are some fruits your hermit crab will love:

  • Apple
  • Avocado
  • Banana
  • Grape
  • Blueberry
  • Mango
  • Coconut
  • Watermelon
Large hermit crab eating millet spray seed
Hermit crab eating millet seed spray
Hermit crab eating popcorn

Healthy Snacks

Healthy snacks are great for occasional indulgence. Consider offering these nutritious treats in the form of 100% natural (avoid added sugar, salt, butter, preservatives etc. and stick to 100% organic natural!):

Ever say “yuck” and avoid those piles of brown seaweed washed up on the beach? You might want to look at it differently next time! See my article on Sargassum Seaweed and Hermit Crabs here!

What NOT To Feed Hermit Crab Pets

While hermit crabs have diverse palates, some foods are best avoided. These include:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Onion, garlic
  • Processed foods
  • Salty or sugary snacks
  • Dairy
  • Toxic plants (check before introducing any new plant) or any fruits, vegetables, flowers, insects etc that may have been exposed to pesticides, herbicides or other toxins or heavy metals (see my post “10 Hermit Crab Safe Plants” for options!)

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can I feed my hermit crab leftovers from my meals?

A: It’s best to offer fresh, unseasoned foods to ensure
your hermit crab’s well-being.


Q2: How often should I feed my hermit crab?


A:Provide food daily, but remember to remove any
uneaten portions to maintain a clean habitat.

Last update on 2025-03-25 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API