Hermit crab pets are curious, active, and low-maintenance and bring elements of nature and the ocean environment into our homes. Provide a healthy habitat, and your hermit crab pets will grow and thrive for many years. It’s very common for hermit crab pets to live longer than dogs!
My goal is to inspire healthier, happier Hermit Crab Habitats for longer-living hermit crab pets!

Content written by a human with hermit crab pets… for other humans! No “ai” fake content here!
Got hermit crabs?

Gotta have a little hermit crab fun...
Find my short hermit crab care and crabitat ideas videos on YouTube and Rumble!

Hi, I’m Chris but this blog is all about FRED! Actually, all my hermit crabs are named Fred. I’ve had hermit crabs since I was 5, saved countless hermies from gift shop death cages for a few decades, and I build cool habitats for them to thrive. I’m a small business owner with very little free time, and hermit crabs (plus a koi pond out back) are perfect pets for me. Can you relate? Got a question? Email me: info@hermitcrabpets.com
I love sharing solutions and tips to help make Hermit Crab Habitats (Crabitats) HEALTHIER, MORE ATTRACTIVE AND SMARTER… so these fantastic little creatures can live long, happy lives. Please don’t take hermit crabs from the wild! Help save lives by adopting them from overcrowded gift shop and crude pet store conditions where they can’t molt and won’t survive for long.
Hermit Crab Habitat Topics
Create a healthy habitat by providing the 8 Hermit Crab Essentials and your hermies will live happily for many, many years. Did you know? Hermit crabs often live in captivity for over 20 years!
Hermit Crab Behaviors: Top Questions

“How many hermit crab pets can I put in a 10 gallon tank? Or what’s the best size?”