Hermit Crab Pets

Hermit crabs love turbo shells

TURBO SHELLS for Hermit Crabs

Turbo shells are the top choice for most hermit crab pets. The purple pinchers are especially happy with turbo shells and will change shells frequently until they find the perfect fit. 

Also known as Turbans, Turbo shells come in a bunch of colors, most common are green turbos. They are fairly easy to find in gift shops, pet stores and online. These shells are commonly found both natural, and polished. Both types are fine for hermit crabs. 

Weight seems to be an important factor in choosing shells for hermit crabs also. Too thin and light and hermit crabs aren’t as protected. Too heavy and they will have a tougher time climbing and maneuvering in small spaces. Turbo shells are medium weight which is also most likely why this type of shell is a top choice for most hermit crabs.

Two Hermies in Turbos inside Coco-hideaway
Hermit Crab Turbo Shells

The openings of turbos are circular and the shell coil is compact which makes these shells easy for hermit crabs to climb, burrow and maneuver in tight spaces.

In addition to multiple colors, turbo shells also come in a large range of sizes. It’s fairly easy to find these shells with openings less than 1″ for extra small hermit crabs and up to 4.5″, considered to be extra large. Measurements for hermit crab shells are most often based on width of the shell openings. 

When ordering shells online, make sure you are sure the dimensions given are either for the opening, or the length, and that you know which sizing is best for your size hermit crab(s). 

Common types of Turbo Shells

  • Green (Jade) Turbo
  • Pearlized Turbo
  • Tapestry Turbo
  • Banded Tapestry Turbo
  • Spotted Turbo
  •  Gold-mouth Turbo

Hermit crabs, especially larger ones, LOVE turbo shells! 

Hermit Crab Turbo Shell Types

Not sure the best size shell?

In the wild, sometimes shells are very limited and hermit crabs will fight over them. In other places, there are tons of shells to choose from and hermit crabs like to change shells often until the find a shell they really like. 

It’s better to provide more shell choices so you can avoid any fighting and injuries, and also give them the ability to choose the best fitting shell to protect their abdomen/tail section.

Hermit Crab in Painted Shell
Hermit Crab in Painted Turbo Shell

Painted Shells are pretty, but are they good for your hermit crab?

Painted shells became popular years ago as a way to bring more money into the hermit crab pets industry. These “cute” shells attracted more people to want hermit crab pets. And more hermit crab pet owners went out to buy more shells… painted, customized, with their favorite football team, etc! 

Don’t assume your hermit crabs will like them, not all of them do! Best rule of thumb, give your hermit crabs options that include natural (unpainted, unpolished) shells!

And NEVER buy a shell where there is ANY paint or modification done to the inside of the shell, ever.

Storing Your Extra Hermit Crab Shells

Having hermit crabs as pets can be addicting. Whether six months or 10 years or more, if you’re doing it right… you’ll have a growing  collection of lots of shells in lots of sizes. 

Keep them all! You never know when you’ll need them again! If you don’t have the space to store lots of hermit crab shells when they aren’t in use inside your crabitat, put them in a basket or glass bowl as home decor!

Hermies LOVE hideaways!
Six Elements of Care

Last update on 2025-03-25 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API