Hermit Crab Pets

7 Questions People Have Before Getting Hermit Crab Pets... ANSWERED!

Top 7 questions people have before getting hermit crab pets with pet store photo and hermit crab

7 Questions... Answered!

If you’re thinking about getting hermit crabs as pets, and you’ve never raised them before, you’re probably asking these 7 questions! We answer these top 7 questions people ask before getting hermit crab pets here. Then we add a link to other blog posts on this site for this particular subject, which will give you ideas, show photos and provide more information to help.

1. What are the basics to purchase with a hermit crab enclosure

2. How big do hermit crabs get?

Hermit crabs can grow to be up to around 4 inches in size, depending on the species. 

How do you measure hermit crabs and their shells? See more here.

3. How long do hermit crabs live?

Hermit crabs can live for more than 20 years, depending on the species. Proper care and a healthy environment are important for ensuring that your hermit crabs live long, happy lives.

More on the lifespan of hermit crabs here.

4. Do hermit crabs make good pets for kids?

Hermit crabs can make good pets for children, as long as the child is old enough to understand and follow proper care instructions. Hermit crabs do not require a lot of attention and can be handled gently, but they do require a specific environment and diet, so it is important that children are able to understand and follow these guidelines.

With an adult who understands how to care for hermit crabs, this pet is an excellent way to teach about pet care, food and nutrition, and even some chemistry! Kids can help make saltwater, test fresh water and detoxify it. There are lots of lessons that can be learned with hermit crab pets.

5. Do hermit crabs bite?

Hermit crabs do not (can not) bite. But the CAN pinch! If they feel threatened or if they are being handled roughly, they will use their large pincher to latch on to the skin of your finger. 

6. Do hermit crabs need a lot of space?

Hermit crabs do need increasing amounts of space as they grow. Their enclosure should be large enough for them to climb, explore and hide. A 10 gallon tank is the minimum size enclosure for the smallest of hermit crabs. However, they will quickly outgrow this size enclosure.

Here are some ideas on enclosures and creative habitats for hermit crabs.

7. What do hermit crabs eat?

Hermit crabs are omnivorous, which means that they eat both plant and animal matter. They should be fed a wide variety of foods including fresh fruits, vegetables and ocean-related foods like shrimp. Many store-bought, commercial hermit crab foods are not a good choice as many hermit crabs do not recognize hard brown pellets as food.

Look for hermit crab foods on Etsy and small business Amazon for great healthy choices.  It’s also important to provide a calcium source, such as cuttlebone or mineral block, to help them maintain a strong exoskeleton.

Here is more information on food and nutrition for hermit crab pets.

In summary, hermit crabs an make interesting and low-maintenance pets for people willing to provide them with a healthy habitat and diet. They do not require a lot of care or handling, but they do need fresh food and water daily, and a clean, stimulating enclosure in order to live a long, happy life.


Last update on 2025-03-28 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API