Hermit Crab Pets

Ocean and hand holding a piece of Cuttlebone with a hermit crab and title "Hermit Crabs Love Cuttlebone but what is it really?"

Hermit Crabs Love Cuttlebone but what is it really?

Hermit crabs love cuttlebone! If you’re a hermit crab pet owner, you may not know this because cuttlebone is usually found for sale in the BIRD section of pet stores, not the hermit crab section!

But if you’re a hermit crab pet owner, you’ll want to know what cuttlebone is, it’s benefits, and why it’s a great idea to keep some cuttlebone inside your hermit crab habitat at all times. Hint: it comes from the ocean and is 100% natural!

Hermit Crabs Love Cuttlebone!

Cuttlebone is a white-ish hard thin oval shell like structure that is lightweight and sometimes washes up on beaches. Because it comes from the ocean and washes up on shore, it is part of a hermit crab’s diet in the wild. AND THEY LOVE IT!

Though it’s somewhat hard, it is also fairly brittle, making it the perfect consistency for hermit crabs to use their pinchers to slowly pick tiny pieces off of. Hermit crabs are known to spend hours tediously picking at cuttlebone, nibbling on it, turning it over and crawling on it.

What IS Cuttlebone?

Cuttlebone is a hard, brittle internal structure found in cuttlefish in the ocean. Cuttlefish do not have bones, they only have this internal “cuttlebone” that gives their bodies structure and also helps with buoyancy and movement.

Cuttlefish are a type of cephalopod (they are small and look similar to squid), a relative of the octopus.

Where is Cuttlebone Found or Harvested from?

Cuttlefish are harvested for their meat and ink in many parts of the world, including the Mediterranean, Asia and Australia. Cuttlebone is a byproduct of the fishing industry and is often discarded as waste. However, it’s also collected and sold as a natural product for pets, mainly for pet birds.

Also, cuttlebone washes up on shorelines where there is an abundance of cuttlefish in that part of the ocean.

Are Cuttlefish Populations in Danger at all?

The status of cuttlefish populations varies depending on the species and the location, but in general, cuttlefish are considered to be relatively abundant in the ocean. Cuttlefish are found in many different regions and depths of the ocean, and they are important predators in many marine ecosystems.

However, like many marine species, cuttlefish populations can be impacted by overfishing, habitat loss, pollution, and climate change. Some species of cuttlefish are also caught as bycatch in fisheries targeting other species. As a result, it is important to manage cuttlefish populations sustainably and to monitor their status to prevent overfishing and other threats to their survival.

Health Benefits of Cuttlebone to Hermit Crabs

Cuttlebone is a excellent source of calcium for hermit crabs, which is essential for maintaining the development and strength of their exoskeleton, and overall health. Here are some specific health benefits of cuttlebone for hermit crabs:

  1. Stronger exoskeleton: Hermit crabs need calcium to strengthen their exoskeleton and protect their soft bodies. Cuttlebone is a great source of calcium and other essential minerals that support the development and maintenance of a strong exoskeleton.

  2. Digestive health: Hermit crabs may consume small pieces of cuttlebone, which can help support their digestive health. Cuttlebone contains trace minerals such as iron, zinc, and copper that support overall digestive health.

  3. Stress relief: Hermit crabs are known to pick on objects with a slow, methodical tediousness… including cuttlebone, as a form of stress relief. Providing cuttlebone can help reduce stress levels in your hermit crab and promote overall well-being.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about Cuttlebone and Hermit Crabs

Q: What are the health benefits of cuttlebone for hermit crabs?
A: Cuttlebone is a natural source of calcium and other minerals, essential to hermit crabs for their health and exoskeleton development and strength. 

Q: Can hermit crabs consume too much cuttlebone?
A: Cuttlebone is found along beaches in the wild, and hermit crabs naturally eat it as needed. Generally hermit crabs are self-regulating and know how much they need of a particular food or nutrient, like calcium. 

Q: How often should I put Cuttlebone in my hermit crab habitat?
A: It’s a good idea to keep a cuttlebone inside your hermit crab habitat at all times. They will pick at it and eat it when they need it, and ignore it most other times. 

Q: What is cuttlebone made of and is it safe for my hermit crabs?
A: Cuttlebone is 100% natural, a part of the cuttlefish found in the ocean. When purchasing cuttlebone from a pet store make sure the ingredients say “100% natural cuttlebone”, nothing needs to be added to it.


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In conclusion, hermit crabs love cuttlebone, both as a great source of calcium that they instinctively know they need. But also, hermit crabs love the tedious activity of picking at this versatile cuttlefish byproduct either once it washes up onto a beach, or inside your hermit crab habitat.

Look for “100% natural cuttlebone” in your local pet store, typically found in the bird section. And consider keeping some cuttlebone available at all times for your hermit crab pets.


Last update on 2025-03-11 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API