Hermit Crab Pets

Large hermit crab climbing near glass enclosure making hermit crab noises

Hermit Crab Noises: Understanding the Sounds Coming from your Crabitat

Hermit crabs are fascinating creatures that are also quite peaceful and quiet. So what are those noises you may hear coming from your crabitat? As a pet owner, it’s important to understand what these noises mean so that you can properly care for your hermit crab pets. In this article, we’ll focus specifically on the two main types of noises that hermit crabs commonly make, and provide answers to some frequently asked questions.

Types of Hermit Crab Noises

There are a few different noises that your hermit crab might make, but the two most common are:

Hard Shell Banging

Hermit crabs are known for their nocturnal habits and can be very active at night. As they move around their habitat, their hard shells can often bang against the enclosure or hit the glass, creating a loud noise. This noise can be alarming at first, but it’s completely normal for your hermit crab to be active and exploring their surroundings.


Hermit crabs can also make a chirping noise known as stridulation. This noise is produced when the hermit crab rubs together the ridges on their legs. While the exact purpose of this noise is not fully understood, it’s thought that it may be used as a form of communication between hermit crabs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hermit Crab Noises

Q. Is it normal for my hermit crabs to make noise at night?
A. Yes! Hermit crabs are nocturnal and most active at night. When your home is quiet, you’re more likely to hear their activity and noises they make while climbing around their crabitat.


Q. What does it mean if my hermit crab is making a lot of noise?
A. If your hermit crab is making a lot of noise, it’s likely that they are just active. But it’s important to watch for other behaviors and symptoms to ensure they are indeed healthy and happy.


Q. How can I tell if my hermit crab is happy?
A. Hermit crabs are generally very content as long as they have a wide variety of foods to eat, clean water to drink and bathe in, and things in the habitat to explore, climb on and hide in. If they are active, they are most likely healthy and happy.

Last update on 2025-03-04 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API