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Habitat for Hermit Crabs
Habitat Ideas, DIY Decor, How-to's!
A habitat for hermit crabs is often affectionately referred to as a “CRABITAT”. As hermit crabs grow, and as a hermit crab pet owner becomes more experienced, chances are a bigger better more awesome CRABITAT may be needed.
A healthy crabitat will include elements of their natural ocean-adjacent environment and must include the 8 essential elements of a healthy hermit crab habitat.
Crabitats can be created from several types of enclosures, and in lots of shapes and sizes,. There are tons of fantastic things you can find outdoors and in your local pet store that will give your hermit crabs the climbing, hiding, stimulation and active fun they love (and need)!
Habitat Enclosures Come in All Shapes and Sizes
- tank, aquarium
- terrarium / vivarium
- wood, wire cage
- furniture hacks like glass display cases
- Ikea Detolf Crabitat Hack $79
- Ikea Milsbo Crabitat Hack $249
Ideas for Hermit Crab Habit ENCLOSURES –> Click!
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Best Enclosures are Glass Aquariums, Terrariums and Glass Cabinet Furniture Hacks!
Want more ideas on types of enclosures to use for a hermit crab habitat, and the 8 essential elements you’ll need?
See my post on Crabitat Enclosures here.
More Crabitat Decor and Landscaping Ideas!
See more posts with photos for inspiration and ideas!
- rope ladders
- bridges
- make fake rock mountains and caves (DIY project!)
- plants
- coconut hideaways
- water pools
- landscaping and decor ideas
- moving water
- fishing net
- sheet moss
- Hermie Huts and Crab Shacks

More hacks and project ideas
What makes a Healthy, Happy Crabitat?
Your crabitat will be successful when you build a system around the six elements to keeping your hermit crab pets healthy. It’s easy once you know the basic requirements. They are low-maintenance, energetic (nocturnal) creatures and will thrive for many years with a healthy crabitat.
Did you know? Your crabitat can ALSO be an attractive part of your home decor! Bring the outdoors in. Add driftwood, lighting, plants and bridges. Create caves and hideaways and lots of places to climb and explore. You’ll be amazed at how much fun it is to watch your hermies enjoy what you’ve built for them! Fun for them, fun for you!
SIX Steps to a Healthy, Happy Hermit Crab Crabitat
Type of Enclosure
Plastic, wire, glass, wood… there are lots of different types of habitats to choose. Keep in mind hermit crabs need some humidity, a little fresh air and a secure top on the enclosure so they can’t escape and hurt themselves! Tanks, aquariums, vivariums and similar glass enclosures tend to be the best choices. Click for ideas!
Size (tall or wide?)
Young hermit crabs are very small but they grow! And hermit crabs love space. The more space and climbing opportunities, they happier and healthier they’ll be. Also, the more hermit crabs you have, the more space they need. Consider, hermit crabs like to climb… you may want to choose a taller vs. wider enclosure: more than one level.
Health (avoiding issues)
Some hermit crab pet owners end up having issues with ants, mildew, mites, mal-nutrition, injuries and other issues that cause bad health. There are some easy things you can do to help avoid these challenges, and some easy systems to implement to ensure the health of your hermit crabs.
Most important:
1) clean, fresh de-toxified water daily and a variety of fresh healthy foods
2) avoid plastics and metals and anything potentially toxic in the habitat
3) provide plenty of substrate, and as deep as possible
4) place plenty of extra empty shells
See more!
There’s no reason your hermit crab habitat shouldn’t be an attractive, interesting focal point in your home! Bring the outdoors in, show it off, light it up, make it fun! Crabitats can be beautiful terrariums or vivariums that will wow your family, friends and most especially, make your hermies happy!
Fun and Stimulation
Crabitat endless possibilities: aquariums, terrariums, vivariums, pieces of furniture, glass display cases!
As long as you plan ahead, and consider and incorporate the six factors listed above, your hermies can live in captivity for more than 20 years!
If you want a larger sized crabitat but don’t think you have the space, consider using a taller and less wide base. We created our current crabitat from the Ikea Detolf, which is approximately 16″ wide, and 64″ tall.
The biggest challenge was lighting and creating enough of a space for large hermit crabs on the bottom for water (space for a bath) and enough substrate for burrowing and molting. We ended up putting a smaller saltwater dish on the 2nd level.
We also love the Exo Terra terrariums (usually in the reptile section) which have two large front doors that open out, and a large bottom for plenty of substrate for molting and burrowing. We actually started our crabitat adventure with a small 12x12x12 version, but our hermies quickly grew out of it and we sized up to a larger version. And a few years ago we decided to experiment with the Ikea Detolf, which gave our hermies six levels and plenty of climbing room. The downside? They grow quickly and big!!
Our newest project: Ikea Milsbo Hermit Crab Habitat Hack

Last update on 2025-03-25 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API