
Crabitat: (n) a Hermit Crab Habitat that provides for good health, safety and stimulation and incorporates elements found in a natural ocean-adjacent environment.
Crabitats can be made from different types of enclosures, as long as the basic needs of the hermit crab pets are met. [Crabitat Types of Enclosures]
Basic needs include food, water, extra shells, substrate, temperature/humidity plus stimulating elements like climbing branches, caves, huts. [Crabitat Basic Needs]
Hermit Crabs are fun, curious little creatures. Give them great Crabitats and they live longer than dogs!
Hermit crab pets aren’t for everyone. For those looking for furry companions to cuddle up with, hermit crabs are not for you!
But if you want a low-maintenance pet that’s a little quirky and mysterious… a pet that reminds you of nature and the beach… hermit crabs are quite possibly the perfect pet!
Providing a healthy, happy hermit crab habitat (crabitat) that meets the basic needs of hermit crab pets will almost guarantee their very long and happy life.
And don’t be surprised when your tiny little hermit crabs grow and you want to upgrade to a larger enclosure! Creating larger, fun, interesting crabitats for hermit crab pets can be very addicting.
Are you looking for ideas on how to create a larger, cooler habitat? Maybe you want to provide more vertical space for your hermit crab pets to climb and explore?
Do you want a larger water pool? Caves and mountains?
Maybe you want to add moving water, like adding an air bubbler or water filter so the water stays healthier and provides extra stimulation to your hermit crabs.
Large terrarium glass enclosures can be expensive.
We have two Hermit Crab Habitat Hacks using Ikea glass enclosure, that can make FANTASTIC homes for your pets!
See our Ikea Detolf ($79) Hermit Crab Habitat Hack here
See our Ikea Milsbo ($249) Hermit Crab Habitat Hack here