Hermit Crab Pets


Providing shells for your hermit crab pets is an essential part of keeping them alive and healthy!

Where do hermit crab shells come from graphic with many conchs in shells lying on a beach

Where Do Hermit Crab Shells Come From? Hermit crab shells were once grown by gastropods in the ocean as well as in lakes and rivers, and on land. Gastropods are snails that have a soft body requiring a hard shell to protect it; their shells grow as they grow. Once they die or get eaten,

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Hermit crab shells are critical to the life cycle of land hermit crabs. Extras must be available at all times in a habitat, and types and sizes are very important.

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TURBO SHELLS for Hermit Crabs Turbo shells are the top choice for most hermit crab pets. The purple pinchers are especially happy with turbo shells and will change shells frequently until they find the perfect fit.  Also known as Turbans, Turbo shells come in a bunch of colors, most common are green turbos. They are

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