Can Hermit Crabs Smell?

Hermit crabs do NOT have a nose, but they definitely CAN smell!
On land, hermit crabs have an even greater need for a strong smelling system than their marine cousins. Why? Odors in air dissipate and disappear much faster than odors in water!
Their system for smelling helps them survive. Smell is necessary in foraging for food, finding water and can even help in their quest to find a new shell.
A land hermit crab’s system for smelling has been described by scientists as “capturing odor”. The flagellum on their main antenna, which protrudes out in front of their eyes and head, is where their sensory organs called aesthetascs are located.
These sensory organs allow them to smell their surroundings with a sort of “flicking” of their antennae to capture more of the smell. Moisture is important also, as it helps them capture more of the smell.
These organs are sensitive to chemical cues, and in addition to helping locate food and water, hermit crabs use this system to help identify other hermit crabs, and even locate potential mates.
Hermit crabs are social animals and also use their sense of smell to communicate with each other and recognize members of their own species.

Interested in learning what hermit crabs eat in the wild? Check out this blog post I wrote recently, it’ll give you some ideas on what snacks to feed your hermit crabs that they’ll be sure to love!
Last update on 2025-03-25 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API